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Indoor Triathlon Raises Nearly $12,000
For Humane Society


Thirty, four person teams converged with trepidation on Funspot at Weirs Beach, Saturday, March 12th, to compete in what has, by all accounts become a sporting event eagerly anticipated by all, heralding the end of the winter doldrums. Even those in the throes of seasonal affective disorder can enjoy an afternoon playing games, golf and bowling while supporting the Lawton family charity of choice, the New Hampshire Humane Society.


Once the dust had settled, and the champions crowned, the event proved to be the most successful Triathlon ever raising $11,946.00 for the animal welfare agency based in Laconia on Meredith Center Road.


The triathlon, brainstormed back in 2003 by Starr Lawton, manager of the DA Long Tavern at Funspot and granddaughter of Funspot owner, Bob Lawton, has grown over time to become an event local businesses vie for registration slots. Wait too long, you may risk a shut out given the maximum number of teams eligible to play: thirty.
Marylee Gorham (l) ofthe New Hampshire Humane Society, receives a check for $11,946 from Starr Lawton of the Funspot Family Entertainment Center in the Weirs, where the annual indoor triathlon fundraiser was held. Helping Starr with the presentation is her friend Cowboy.


Returning event sponsors, Franklin Savings Bank sent their own team, tellers and banking professionals moonlighting as Team Kitty Litter. Media sponsors, NorthEast Communications known locally at Mix 94.1fm, 100.1fm The Planet, and today’s New Hit County WSCY 106.9fm hosted Team Radioactive; Fred and Amy hosts of the popular Mix morning show.


A friendly rivalry between Team Looney Bin, and Prepare for Impact saw the champions see-saw from last years winners, Looney Bin, back to Prepare for Impact, crowned 7th Annual Indoor Triathlon champs. Captain Phil Hubbard, easily recognizable With his signature cranial stripes said “not only did we play to win, we also wanted to bring more pledge money to the table. This year our guys raised over $800 for the animals at the shelter.”


NH Humane shelter staff calling themselves Team Double O Dog, while finishing lovver down in the rankings brought the most in pledges, over $2000.00. Team Captain and shelter Veterinary Technician, Kelly Bennett, admitted “we’ve been practicing for weeks, but when it came time to play darts, with everyone watching, I thought I was going to throw up, the pressure was intense!”


Teams playing in full movie regalia, the returning Reservoir Dogs, competed in character as Messer’s Pink, White, Orange and Blonde. Though taller than leprechauns, four fellows from R & D Paving Company played as the Green Team - quite dashing in their costumes, as were the flashy tee shirts sported by the newest team on the field, The Dream Team.


Starr Lawton, mistress of ceremonies, awarded prizes the good, the bad and the most memorable players. The coveted At Least I Tried awards, Top Dog, and some lucky folks went home with more cash than they started with; winners of the 50/50 raffle, Closest to the Pin, and other donated raflie items. Raffle proceeds alone totaled over $1200 for the New Hampshire Humane Society.


Starr Lawton presents the "At Least I Tried" award to the triathlon's youngest participant.


Shelter spokesperson Marylee Gorham noted “we are so grateful to our friends at Funspot, event sponsors Franklin Savings Bank, the stupendous support given through radio advertising with Mix 94.l and the whole family of stations at NorthEast Communications, the airways were alive with Funspot promotion. I must thank each and every person who turned out to play, but that list is long indeed. It’s good to see folks returning, Pretty Little Kitties, The Broken Antler, Northway Bank, and so many others, all true animal champions.”


Sources close to Funspot advise, planning is already underway for next year. New Hampshire Humane Society is a grass roots animal welfare organization offering care and comfort to the lost, abandoned, abused and unwanted animals in the region.


No creature is euthanized for time or space, rather they are assured placement in a permanent forever home, no matter how long the wait might be. Shelter is open Tuesday - Saturday, check the website to learn more about the animals currently looking for a home, or call 524-3252.



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