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Funspot officially becomes the Largest Arcade In The World in June of 2008. Doug Parsons (C) of Guinness World Records presents the Largest Arcade In The World award to Owner & General Manager, Bob Lawton (R) and Assistant General Manager, Sandra Lawton (L).
New Hampshire Public Television films as Bob Lawton, Owner and General Manager of Funspot & Gary Vincent, President of the American Classic Arcade Museum, are interviewed on Funspot becoming the Largest Arcade In The World.
Funspot's Indian Trading Post opened in 1967 with the Indian Village opeining in 1971. Both closed in 1983.
Artist Peter Hall of Meredith, NH, putting the finishing touches on two of the figures which he constructed and painted for Storybook Forest at Funspot.
Entrance to Funspot's Mini-Golf and walkway to Storybook Forest, our children's park. Photo circa 1980.

Gingerbreadman Pond at Storybook Forest which was constructed during the winter of 1975-76.

Opening day, August 1st, 1964, owner Bob Lawton with Laconia mayor Hugh Bownes with original Funspot building in background.
Funspot's twenty-one acres on U.S. Route 3 prior to clearing for the mini-golf in the spring of 1964.
One of the original ornaments on our "Landmarks of NH" Mini-Golf, the Mount Washington, which takes passengers on Lake Winnipesaukee during the summer.
Mayor Hugh Bownes cuts the ribbon, opening Funspot's Mini-Golf on August 1, 1964.
John Lawton (left) and brother Bob, on the mini-golf in 2003.
Beautiful nighttime photo of Funspot's Mini-Golf take shortly after in grand opening in August 1964.